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    Remote Diagnosis support Platform


    Today’s hematology laboratories require fast and accurate results with short turn-around time. 
    And with large cell counts and even more analyses to perform, medical laboratory scientists 
    need a fast and reliable service for improved workflow. 


    UIMD’s Remote Diagnosis Support Platform(RDSP) aims to achieve this by seamlessly 
    connecting our hematology experts with our users. By providing clinically relevant comments 
    and additional suggested analyses when needed, our platform gives the users a more holistic
    and sound foundation from which to make diagnosis on. From our vast clinical database and
    case files, our platform can provide the robustness and flexibility needed in today’s 
    hematology laboratories.

    The World Medical Diagnosis Support Platform

    Remote Diagnosis Support Service

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    {"google":["Raleway"],"custom":["Noto Sans KR"]}{"google":["Lexend Deca","Poppins"],"custom":["Noto Sans KR","Nanum Square Round"]}
    {"google":["Lexend Deca"],"custom":["Noto Sans KR"]}