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    모든 수장자에게 백혈구 감별의 필수적인 노하우를 제공합니다.

    임상병리학 학생, 졸업생 및 현직에 종사하는 임상병리사 모두에게 수준높은 커리큘럼을 제공합니다.

    모두에게 유용한 감별 교육 자료를 제공합니다.


    1st. Normal WBC Classification & Morphology
      Neurophil, Lymphocyte, Monocyte, Eosinophil, Basophil characterristics

     Normal cells with morphological changes             Toxic Neutrophil, Reactive Lymphocyte   

     Bone marrow cells in peripheral blood                     Metamyelocyte, Myelocyte, Promyelocyte, NRBC

     Malignant cells                                                                       Dysplastics Neutrophil, Abnormal Lymphocyte, Plasma cell,
                                                                                                                     Blast cell

     Cells outside WBC classification                                   Artifact, Not reportable

    2st. WBC Classification Case Studies
      Normal cases                                                                         Neutrophil, Lymphocyte, Monocyte, Eosinophil & Basophil

     Toxic / Dysplastic cases  

     Cases with a variety of nRBC  

     Cases with immature granulocytes                           Metamyelocyte, Myelocyte & Promyelocyte

     Reactive lymphocyte cases 

     Abnormal lymphocyte cases                                         CLL, Prolymphocyte, Hariy cells

     Plasma cell cases

     Blast & APL cases 

    Test &


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    Atlas of White Blood Cell Morphology Accurate Classification



    Written By Kyungja Han, Changhoon Jeon, Jonghoon Yu, Wonbae Lee


    Published in Sept. 10, 2019


    This Atlas was published to help identify white blood cells accurately and confidently.

    White blood cell images showing as many different morphological variations as possible were included.

    In particular, cells that may have a profound effect on patients with incorrect screening results, even if they were less frequent, included as many images as possible, such as acute whole bone marrow leukemia cells.

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